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Intellectual Property Claim

Please use the following form to report content that you believe violates or infringes your copyright. If you are not sure if copyright laws protect the material, we suggest that you first contact a lawyer.

Your Contact Information

Note that your contact information may be provided to the person that posted the content you are reporting.

Content you want to report

Please provide link(s) to the content you believe violates or infringes your copyright on this store.

Ensure you have provided a comprehensive list to each individual page with the content you would like removed and not just the main shop URL. Up to 100 links may be included in the same notice.

Identify your work

Please provide link(s) to the content you believe violates or infringes your copyright on the store. Ensure you have provided a comprehensive list to each individual page with the content you would like removed and not just the main shop URL. Up to 100 links may be included in the same notice.

Please provide a description of the original work (e.g. photograph I took, product description or blog post I wrote, video I made, etc.)

Please provide the evidence of ownership and the description of the factual and/or legal reasons why you believe that the campaign violates your rights


Electronic Signature

Instant Stress Relief: Say goodbye to stress with its soft texture and calming features.

Holistic Relaxation: Designed to help you find your inner peace effortlessly

Breathing Guide: Relax with soothing breathing functions throughout the night

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